Komar University of Science and Technology and Baxshin Hospital hold a joint symposium on Medical Negligence

On Thursday, February 23rd, 2023, Komar University of Science and Technology and Baxshin Hospital held a joint symposium on medical negligence. The symposium was attended by Professor Dr. salahalddin Saeed Ali, the President of Komar University of Science and Technology, Professor Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj, Vice President for student and academic affairs, and Mr. Rebwar Hassan, the manager of Baxshin Hospital. In the symposium, three presentations were given on topics related to medical negligence from different perspectives. One of the presnetations were held by Dr Naschmil Abdulla on Medicines Optimization: safe and effective medication use to empower attainable outcomes. Later, a panel discussion about the topic, moderated by Dr. Bakhtyar Talabani, was conducted. The panelists were Dr. Taha Mahwy, Dr. Barzan Mohammed, Dr. Faisal Arab, Dr. Nashmil Abdulla, and Judge Rizgar Mohammed Amin. Each of the panelists discussed the topic of negligence from the perspective of their areas of expertise. The symposium ended with questions and discussions from the audience raising other questions and concerns about the topic.