KUST’s Department of Pharmacy initiates Bimparêza pledge

On November 27, 2022, the department of Pharmacy, in collaboration with Kurdistan Save the Children, initiates Bimparêza pledge. The pledge is prepared by Dr. Naschmil Abdullah, the coordinator of the Pharmacy Department, along with a group of students from the department. The aim of the pledge is to spread awareness on safe usage of antibiotics to further improve public health and reduce antibiotic resistance. The pledge was opened by the University’s president, Professor Dr. Salahalddin Saeed Ali, with Professor Dr. Kawis Aziz Faraj, Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs. The event was attended by students, faculty and guests where they chose their pledges in the hope that antibiotics will be used safely in the future to save the lives of members of the public, and also reduce antibiotics resistance.

Antibiotics are chemical compounds derived from or produced by a living organism, which is capable, in small concentrations, of inhibiting the life processes of microorganisms. An antibiotic can be used to treat or prevent some types of bacterial infections. However, the misuse, or unnecessary use of it will result in the emergence of antibiotics resistance which will possibly hinder the treatment of illnesses in patients.